Home News SANDAG taking transportation improvement comments

SANDAG taking transportation improvement comments

San Diego Association of Gov­ernments, commonly referred to as SANDAG is accepting comments on its 2021 Regional Transportation Improvement Program draft through Jan. 18.

The draft 2021 improvement program includes proposed ma­jor highway, transit, and trans­portation projects being devel­oped in San Diego county from the current 2020-2021 fiscal year through 2025.

Associate Public Communi­cations Officer Lindsey Hansen said the Regional Transporta­tion Improvement Program is developed every two years to implement the projects submit­ted by member and transit agen­cies, SANDAG and Caltrans for the long range regional plan.

The draft plan also includes detailed listings of individual projects developed by San Di­ego Metropolitan Transit Sys­tem and North County Transit District, as well as plans for im­proved bike pathways.

Improvements to state route 67 and state route 52 are includ­ed in the projects as well as im­provements to interchange con­nections between state route 94 and state route 125.

Funding for all of the projects listed in the plan is based on anticipated inflation and other factors through the expected completion years.

Major transportation projects funded in part by county trans­portation sales taxes are based on a revised revenue forecast that takes the impact of the CO­VID-19 pandemic into account.

According to SANDAG, that revision showed a 13% decline in revenue for 2021, anticipated re­covery by 2023 and a 3% annual expected annual increase every year afterward.

A draft air quality conformity analysis is included in the plan. That analysis provides some environmental information on transportation projects that receive state and federal fund­ing, and confirms they will not adversely affect the region’s air quality standards.

The full Regional Transpor­tation Improvement Program draft plan is available for review at www.sandag.org and com­ments can be mailed to SAN­DAG Senior Financial Program­ming Analyst Sue Alpert at: 401 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101.

Comments on the plan can also be emailed to Alpert at: sue. alpert@sandag.org or faxed to (619) 699-6905.

“SANDAG encourages public participation in the transpor­tation planning process and is seeking feedback on the proj­ects included in the draft plan, in accordance with federal reg­ulations. All comments will be answered directly and reported to the Transportation Commit­tee and our Board of Directors,” Hansen said.

A public hearing for the draft plan will be held at the virtual SANDAG transportation com­mittee meeting at 9 a.m. on Feb. 5. Information on participating in that meeting is available at www.sandag.org

Comments for the meeting should be submitted to: clerk@ sandag.org or mailed to: SAN­DAG, 401 B St., Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101.