Home News Tracker a response to kids’ diminished reading scores

Tracker a response to kids’ diminished reading scores


The National Assessment of Educational Progress’s Nation’s Report Card Long Term Trend Results re­ported a sharp decline in reading scores since 2020, compounding upon a steady decline over the past de­cade. United Through Reading San Diego is encourag­ing parents to track reading at home with its new free printable reading trackers. These trackers, available for three different reading comprehension levels, pro­vide a variety of benefits including a sense of accom­plishment, accountability, improved literacy skills, and a way for every family member to incorporate reading into their day.

United Through Reading Vice President of Marketing and Communications Jessica Hall said the nonprofit has helped more than 3 million military members with “Story Time.”

“We have a number of free programs, but our main one is that we video record service members and vet­erans reading to a special child in their life,” she said. “Then the kid gets the recording and the book to read on demand when that service member is away from home. On deployment, underway, trainings, that day-to-day life that can be really hectic. We make sure that that service member can be there to read to their kiddo and that kiddo gets to read with their favorite person.”

Hall said this new reading tracker is read­able and downloadable.

“You do not have to be a military family to use our tracker,” she said. “You can down­load it from our website. It is three pages. Each page is for a different age range. It is a great way for families to be able to have a visual representation of what they might be reading every single day or for the week. For as long as they want to use it for. For young­er kids we have a coloring book, so they can color a page as you read. As you get older there is one where you can just write the name of the book and give it a rating. Then there is a reading journal page for those more advanced readers, and you can write favorite quotes or favorite moments from the book. It takes that reading comprehension to the next level. It is a good way for every family to see visually what they are reading.”

Hall said you want to be reading with children every day, whether it is you reading to them, encouraging them to read, and as they get older, get them reading independently.

“Keep those reading skills growing,” she said. “Reading is the foundational skill for all learning. Just reading 20 min­utes a day improves vocabulary and comprehension, which then helps you in every subject you are learning at school.”

Hall said the Nation’s Report Card shows reading skills have gone down since the pandemic, and this tracker helps by reen­forcing what your children are learning at school, which is a simple as reading a book, which will help them improve their reading skills long-term.

The benefits of tracking read­ing are a sense of accomplish­ment, accountability, and a way for every family member to incorporate reading into their day. Reading together is more than just tallies and stars. It’s about immersive worlds, ignit­ing imaginations, and making memories. United Through Reading’s reading trackers are guides, inviting families to lose themselves in new worlds, share laughter, and discover the magic of stories together. If you are in need of suggestions to get started, browse the hundreds of titles on our book list.

To read or download the read­ing tracker, visit Unites Through Reading at https://bit.ly/3uozwAs.