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Carpenters Corner: Week after New Year

‘It was the week after New Years, when all through the world; missiles went flying at fifty-two targets about. Our pockets were emptied and hung out to dry, as bank statements were spread out, waiting for the IRS to come by. The world sat waiting, just holding our breath, as reasons for hating filled up in our heads.

All safe in California, tucked in my ranch house, I prayed and I waited to make sense of it all. Then one by one, the entire world chose sides, as my friends and my neighbors said their goodbyes. From windows and doorways, there came a great flash, as predators and patriots burst through the hatch. Bright light from explosions lit up the whole sky, as innocent people lay down with a sigh. Many brave men and women on both of the sides had only followed orders, then lay down to die.

The world sat wondering why this must be, as leaders from countries came together to plea. They asked many times for this and for that but by the end of the day they just threw in the hat. With evil so vile, so smoth­ering and thick, I reckoned it Sa­tan and watched for his tricks. They came as I waited, his de­mons by name, they howled, and they spit and cursed God’s Holy Name.

It was Michael showing up to confront, the evil that blas­phemed and war-mongered about. From the Dead Sea to Red Sea they put up a fight but God would not have it and spoke out stopping the fight ‘I have given my Son that the world might believe, now get away! get away Satan! get away from all!’

So to all who were not found in the book by His name, they were cast away from heaven for­ever to fall. As the angel came up out from the abyss of eternal shame, I heard many demons clawing, biting and scratching defamed. So up from the pit Mi­chael flew with a smile as the door locked behind him I heard Satan slander awhile.

Moments later I saw, in the twinkling of an eye, all saints were re-gathered and let out a great cry! As He sent some away, many tears did abound, but they had their last chance but no faith could be found. It was their choice, He said wip­ing tears from His eyes then off towards the bema He went with a cry. The King was surprised, holy and proud as he watched each saint lay down all of his crowns. Some had seven, some only five but all had at least one when they went by.

His eyes were like fire, His hair white as snow, and voice like mighty waters that fall far below. He held in His hand an iron scepter, that’s true, and then ruled all the nations till the thousand years was through. He smiled and looked pleased at all who had come to the marriage supper of the Lamb and sat down near to some.

He prayed and gave thanks, broke bread and poured wine as all God’s children sang at the same time. They sang and they prayed, gave thanks and spent time getting to know all the family who had arrived just in time. None who had trusted and called out His name, had been left outside in the cold and their shame.

So this New Years wont you take the time, to get into heaven knowing it’s only on His dime? The world clock keeps on tick­ing and soon it will be too late to be forgiven and what a mess that will be. So as nations rage and prepare to blow up, lets count our own blessings keep­ing our eyes on His love.

Jesus promised and said that he would return, to gather the faithful who wait patiently firm. So don’t be afraid as the missiles start to fly, you won’t be alone He’ll be right by your side. As the furnace is heated seven times hotter than hot, He’ll walk through the fire and say with a shout! I told you before and I’ll say it again, I got your back, again and again.

So take out your bibles and read John 3:16, where God says that he loves you, all through His Son. He promised to pay all the debt you’ve incurred and re­corded it faithfully in His Holy Word. Now to all who believe He promised to share an inheri­tance in heaven beyond all com­pare.

Now soon and very soon we will all see the King and Jesus will say “Well done my good ser­vants, faithful and true, come enter in, you are through” So if you have read all the words printed here then kneel down and tell Him, “I believe in you!