Home Local News Backcountry bulletin: New contract for students’ missed work

Backcountry bulletin: New contract for students’ missed work

The Mountain Empire School District is introducing a new In­dependent Study Contract pro­gram to help students stay on track with their learning while making up absences.

According to the district, the agreement “allows students who have missed 1 to 15 days to complete make-up assigned coursework and receive atten­dance credit starting from the date on the signed ISC.”

Officials say that missing even a minimum number of classroom days can be detri­mental to a student’s academic progress.

  • Missing about two days a month can make it harder for students to build key skills for work and life, form strong re­lationships, and develop good habits.
  • Students who miss just two days a month may struggle with reading by third grade, have lower achievements in middle school, and face challenges graduating from high school.
  • Chronic absences—missing two days each month or over 18 days in a school year—have doubled since the pandemic be­gan.
  • Regular school attendance is one of the most important parts of a child’s academic and social-emotional growth.

For more information visit: www.meusd.org/Parents-Fam­ilies–Community/Attendance/index.html

Spring camp begins this month. Registration has closed however, camp is open to all students TK-6th. Camp is March 24-28.