The students and staff are ex­cited to begin another wonder­ful year at Boulder Oaks filled with lots of learning and grow­ing.

We have much to look for­ward to in the 2018-2019 school year! This fall we will continue our work in our organic garden with Barons as we plant our first crop! We will also be working closely with the Alpine Educa­tion Foundation to bring “The Wheel of Experts” to all of our grade levels. Additionally, thanks to the support of our PTA and all of our families, we were able to add two additional Chromebook carts to our school. This purchase officially allows each of our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders individual access (1:1) to a Chromebook allowing for more personalized learning.

We are especially excited for our “BOES Rock Your School Family Picnic” on Sept. 20 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Families are invited to join us for music and dinner on the field. They may bring a picnic dinner or pur­chase dinner from food trucks that will be on site. This event is open for all of the Alpine com­munity to join us!

This year, our instructional focus will be centered around mathematics. This will be coupled with our ongoing vi­sion of students being actively engaged in their learning. Our teachers began their work in research-based math instruc­tion in a training before school started and will continue the work throughout the school year with ongoing trainings and coaching.

The staff at BOES is looking forward to a magical school year filled with fun and engaging learning experiences.


Creekside Early Learning Center (CELC) is the place to be! Our unique campus services preschool, transitional kinder­garten, early admittance kin­dergarten, and kindergarten students. CELC offers a Span­ish Immersion Program in pre­school, TK, and kindergarten.

CELC has many amazing pro­grams and resources to support our students’ academics includ­ing, a state of the art computer lab, Kagan instructional strate­gies, Pathways Reading Rota­tions, and ST math. ST math is an instructional program that builds a deep conceptual under­standing of math. Thanks to Alpine Education Foundation, CELC students have access to the music component with ST math this year. In addition, teachers will be receiving pro­fessional development in the area of math. Resources include supports to increase and im­prove math reasoning through number talks.

In addition to a strong aca­demic program, CELC also be­lieves in supporting students’ social and emotional needs. This year, the CELC staff will be using a researched-based program, Sanford Harmony. The fun, engaging curriculum includes lessons and games that build strong classroom commu­nities where all students feel connected, comfortable, and ready to learn. The program helps students appreciate diver­sity, confidently express ideas, understand other’s perspectives, and solve problems.

CELC is also proud to use a school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS). PBIS is a positive, proactive ap­proach to supporting student behaviors. PBIS encourages good behavior. Students learn about behavior just like they do other subjects. Additional supports utilized at our school include restorative practices and a growth mindset approach to learning. CELC also has an amazing part-time school coun­selor. Creekside has an incred­ible, highly qualified staff to support the success of our stu­dents. We have a shared vision of universal achievement for ALL students.

CELC is still accepting regis­tration for kindergarten. Please visit our website, Facebook page, or call for more informa­tion. If you are interested in tak­ing a tour of our school, please contact the school office at (619) 659-8250 to schedule an appoint­ment .