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Several ways parents can diminish their stress

Juggling responsibilities to work and family can sometimes make parents feel a little over­whelmed. That feeling of being stretched thin can contribute to stress, which many parents ac­knowledge is part of their daily lives.

Stress isn’t always caused by life-changing events. In fact, a recent study of 2,000 parents in the United Kingdom found that the daily worries of bed time, getting homework finished, weekly food shopping, and meal times were parents’ biggest stress triggers. The research, conducted by BPme, a new app that allows customers to pay for their fuel without leaving their car, said the average par­ent felt stressed six times a day. Data from a 2015 Pew Research Study indicates 15 percent of American parents say their job as a parent is tiring all the time, while an additional 18 percent say parenting is tiring most of the time. Ten percent indicated being a parent is stressful all of the time, while 15 percent said it is most of the time. The younger the age of the children at home, the more stress many parents say they face.

It is well documented that stress can have various nega­tive physical and psychologi­cal symptoms, which put stress sufferers’ overall health at risk. Parents can curtail stress by in­stituting some lifestyle changes and employing other manage­ment techniques.

  • Don’t take work stress home. It’s easy to bring home work-re­lated problems, which can then combine with issues at home. Try to talk to a coworker or a spouse before leaving work to diffuse tricky situations so they can be left at work.
  • Increase quality family time. Take a break from the extra­curricular activities, volunteer responsibilities and the other tasks that pull families in dif­ferent directions. Slow down and schedule fun activities that fos­ter parent-child relationships, such as game nights or family movie nights.
  • Seek professional help. Par­ents who are having difficulty coping can enlist the services of trained mental health pro­fessionals, advises Psychology Today. These therapists can of­fer helpful strategies for coping with life’s challenges.
  • Stick to a routine. Keeping kids on routine schedules en­ables parents to know which mo­ments of the day they can get a break to rest and recharge.
  • Ask for help. Do not be a martyr or attempt to be a su­perhero. Parents who need help should reach out for assistance, especially if it’s to tame stress. Doing so is in the best interest of the entire family.

Stress is something many par­ents face, but it can be overcome.