Home News The Alpine Union School District supports students through distance learning program

The Alpine Union School District supports students through distance learning program

The Alpine Union School Dis­trict is continuing to support and uplift students in obtaining a top of the line education amidst school closures. On the day of school closures, the school staff was able to implement an emer­gency plan and provide school meals for pickup the following Monday, as well as collaborate with teachers to create an excel­lent distance learning program that is seen as a model for other districts.

The Alpine Union School District’s distance learning plan focuses on helping students con­tinue to progress towards their end of the year goals with on­line teaching to accommodate for safety.

The district has utilized Google products in previous years and continues to take ad­vantage of the many tools and benefits that Google Classroom provides in its distance learning program.

Using great tools and technol­ogy, the district has created a plan to include multiple types of learning that will keep kids engaged and active throughout the day. The district is helping provide the necessary technol­ogy to students, with over 50% of students in the district having

checked out Chromebooks. However, Alpine Union is aim­ing to keep learning interactive and not just on a screen all day. To do this, Alpine Union is uti­lizing three different methods, they include:

Synchronous Learning

Synchronous learning in­cludes things like virtual classes, live streams, and chats. These interactions are real-time and help keep students engaged with fellow students and their teachers.

Asynchronous Learning

Asynchronous learning in­cludes interactions that occur with others but are not real-time, examples of this may in­clude comments on discussion boards and collaboration on google documents.

Low tech/no tech Learning

Lastly, there are low tech and no tech options for students to learn, this may include things like packets or activities com­pleted away from the computer.

The Alpine Union School Dis­trict is working to help students increase their digital citizen­ship, keep lines of communica­tion with students and families open, and create an enjoyable and attainable at-home learning experience for everyone. This includes providing social and emotional support from school counselors and social workers from Monday through Friday.

To learn more about Alpine Union School District’s distance learning program and to stay up to date on the latest events, visit the district website.

Alpine Union School District serves approximately 1,750 stu­dents in grades K-8.