This is the time when we find ourselves bidding others a “Prosperous and Happy New Year”! What exactly is prosperity anyway? Catherine Ponder, the Unity minister now 92 years old with an active ministry in Palm Desert, gives us the definition as “You are prosperous to the degree that you are experiencing peace, health, and plenty in your world.”
As with everything in life, prosperity begins in the spiritual or unseen realm. The master teacher, Jesus the Christ, came to help mankind realize we now live in the kingdom – that all the Father has is ours – if we make right use of spiritual laws. And the first spiritual law is to realize that God/Love is the source of our supply, people and circumstances are the mere channels through which our Good gets distributed.
Ponder tells us, “The mystics had a three-point formula for success: 1. Purification or cleansing, 2. Illumination or receiving guidance on how to be prospered and 3. Union with God and His good.” So we begin with clearing out mental and emotional “clutter” such as regrets, negative judgments, and unforgiveness of any kind. Our physical environment must also be released of old and unused items for as we create a vacuum, the Universe automatically rushes in the fill it.
The next step is to receive guidance on how to be prospered. That means asking and listening for our God-guidance to show us new ways we can be blessed with an abundance of peace, health and plenty. Make a physical list of the instructions God provides to you. Next create a treasure map of the visions you have been given mentally. Then sink into a sure, powerful knowing that all the Father has is mine.
Say with me: “I know there is a divine plan for my life which includes health, happiness, abundance and perfect self-expression. I am willing to see and experience only the best and for this I am ever so grateful. And it is so.”