Thought for the Week: Rhythm of life

There is a pulsating presence and energy, a vibration if you will, as the substance of all of Life. It is a Divine Principal. That means it operates with precision and unwavering exact­ness at every moment. All of life is under Its command and what a good thing that is! This Di­vine Presence has created man­kind in Its image and given us free will to recognize It or not.

When we choose to recognize God as our help in every need, we turn away from falsehoods to clarity and grace. However, remembering to remember this Substance is within and around us at every moment is one of the greatest challenges we face. Hu­mans seem to naturally look out at the world and judge accord­ing to appearances and believe they can and must handle life’s events.

Joel Goldsmith in Practic­ing the Presence advises: “It would behoove us all to say the following prayer each morning: “Father, it is Thy intelligence that I need today—not my lim­ited wisdom, but Thy infinite wisdom. This day, I need all the love with which Thou canst fill me. Give me Thy wisdom and Thy love in full measure.” Such meditation brings forth deep humility which brings up a willingness to admit, “Father without Thee I can do nothing, I can be nothing, without Thee, I am nothing.”

When we relinquish our will to God’s will, we are in the flow of Life that brings a deep and abid­ing peace. This is the rhythm of God and it comes naturally to us when we acknowledge it. It takes intention, commitment and perseverance to recognize I and the Father are one and therefore I joyously give forth from the fullness that is within me.

Rest assured your life is the life of God and vow to life it to the fullest.

Say with me: “I place myself in the flow of God’s infinite grace as I let go of my personal will and succumb to Divine wis­dom and love. For this I am eter­nally grateful. Amen”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Al­pine Church of Spiritual Living


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