Thought for the Week: Witness the miracle

There is one Power and one Presence that is — always has been and always will be — God, omnipotent. It is unchanging in Its nature. It is a principle with no respecter of individuals for It operates the same for all. It is the life force that is breath­ing our breath and beating our hearts.

Joel Goldsmith writes: “The nature of our existence is im­mortality, eternality, infin­ity. From the moment we were conceived as human beings, we have been under material and mental laws. These are really universal beliefs but they act as law in our experience until we consciously realize our immu­nity from anything external to ourselves and realize the issues of life flow out from us. Earth becomes heaven to the degree in which we let God fulfill Itself as our individual experience.”

Jesus the Christ accepted his oneness with God. He told us “It is the father within that doeth the works. I of myself can do nothing.” It is the I Am within each one of us that can and will bring about miracles in and through our lives when we relinquish our personal sense of “I” and let It live gracefully through us. It is the Infinite Invisible that is producing the harmony, the joy, the peace and the prosperity of the visible ex­perience.

Soften your heart to be pli­able and used by God for His good works to flow through you. Learn to heed the promptings of the still small voice within you. Be a witness, an observer to what the Infinite can and will do to lighten your earthly load by caring for you, protecting you, maintaining you and sustaining you.

Say with me: “Spirit is my true identity. I am infinite; I am eternal; I am immortal – not in and of myself, separate and apart from God, but because God is the life and substance of my being. Accepting this truth, I am eternally grateful. And it is so. Amen”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living.


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