The indwelling Divine Presence that lives through and as all can most readily be identified as unconditional Love. That’s the theme for this month and what a glorious concept and way of being! Unconditional Love accepts self and others as we and they are and demands nothing in return. As we release judgement, expectations and conditions we let and allow the underpinning substance of the Divine to flow with ease and grace through all our encounters and actions.
Releasing the need to be right, the need to control, the need to judge, the need to be superior, we find there is a thread of commonality between ourself and others. This includes not only people but animals, plants, rocks and all creation. Letting and allowing the Reality of Life to unfold in Divine timing places us in harmony with all that is. As I am reading Dr. David Hawkins book, “Letting go – the pathway to surrender,” I recognize the value of allowing our feelings to bubble up as they come forth and truly give them space to be felt. No matter how emotional or negative these feelings might be, if we simply recognize and give them space, they will then be able to be released and move out from our experience. The more we do this, the higher we move up to living in Love, Peace and Harmony. We live in the sense that all is well, no matter the appearance. Just as the Master, Jesus, taught: “Judge with right judgement.”
This week let and allow your feelings to emerge so that they can be released. Honor the innocent child within you and within others. As this practice becomes habitual, be grateful for the Peace, Joy and Love you experience.
Say with me: “I feel my feelings, letting them arise to be experienced and released. By doing this I raise my consciousness to higher levels so that I live in Harmony with one and all. I am so grateful. And it is so.”
—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living