I am a strong advocate for expanded access to healthcare, including mental health and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) treatments. These issues freÂquently come before the AssemÂbly Health Committee, where I serve as Vice Chair.
This session I introduced AsÂsembly Bill 1944, which seeks to create a safe pathway for paÂtients with rare and ultra-rare diseases seeking investigationÂal treatments designed just for them, despite the usual costly and extremely time-consuming FDA approval process. I also supported SB 496, which reÂquires health insurers includÂing Medi-Cal to cover biomarker testing that results in targetÂed therapy for diagnosis and treatment, therapies that have proven very effective for cancer patients.
I serve on the Select CommitÂtee on Fentanyl, Opioid AddicÂtion, and Overdose Prevention. Thousands of lives lost in San Diego County, many from acciÂdental overdoses, could be saved if antidotes were readily availÂable. Last year I introduced AB 1233, which facilitates the availability of opioid antagonist drugs (antidotes) in tribal comÂmunities, many of which have been ravaged by the fentanyl crisis.
California’s mental health needs are staggering, but the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) hasn’t been signifiÂcantly changed in 20 years. AlÂmost one in seven adults (about 4.4 million people) and one in 14 children (about 621,000) exÂperience some form of mental illness. One in 26 adults and one in 14 children have trouble functioning in their daily activiÂties. Necessary MHSA updates include expansion of services for those suffering with SUDs, alÂlowing MHSA funding for SUD treatments, and additional comÂmunity support for prevention and early intervention.
Mental health and SUDs are major contributors to homelessÂness and crime. Expanding care may be costly up front, but sociÂetal benefits of less crime and recidivism, reduced homelessÂness and restored lives will be incalculable. We have to get a handle on these problems — there is no alternative. DurÂing my remaining time in the Legislature, those efforts will continue.
For an electronic version of this article, please visit: https://ad75.asmrc.org/
Assemblymember Marie Waldron, R- Valley Center, represents the 75th Assembly District in the CaliÂfornia Legislature, which includes the cities of Poway, Santee, porÂtions of the City of San Diego, and most of rural eastern and northern San Diego County.