Grossmont-Cuyamaca ComÂmunity College District, CaliÂfornia Student Opportunity and Access Program, and the GrossÂmont Union High School DisÂtrict is holding its 2024 Future Fest College and Career Fair on Oct. 19 from 9 a.m. to noon at Cuyamaca College. This one-of-a-kind college and career fair will open doors of opportunity for thousands of East County students.
At East County’s premier college and career opportunity fair, attendees will meet directÂly with admissions representaÂtives from more than 70 public and private universities from around the country, local comÂmunity colleges, trade schools, military/law enforcement, and employers. This free event inÂcludes a variety of workshops, including information on admisÂsion to four-year universities and two-year colleges, assisÂtance with college applications, financial aid, scholarships, NaÂtional Collegiate Athletic AssoÂciation recruiting, and more.
Cuyama College is located at 900 Rancho San Diego Parkway in El Cajon. For more informaÂtion visit