In collaboration with Parent Guidance, the Mountain EmÂpire School District is offering parenting coaching that offers to support to parents raising a student. For more information visit:
The last day for parents to register their students for Spring Break Camp is Feb.11.
Camp is open to all students TK-6th. Camp is March 24-28.
Third grade students will have an opportunity to particiÂpate in a special swim class. The Swim Camp, a partnership with McGrath Family YMCA is a chance for third graders to develop basic swim skills.
The swim camp is open only to 3rd grade students of any skill level.
Swim Camp will be March 24-28 and students will be transported to McGrath FamÂily YMCA via district bus.
To participate, each student must have a completed YMCA release and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement for minors on file. Additionally, the district requires a field trip permission slip for all attendÂees.