Previous Polls

Is it easier to name a child or a pet?

  • Child (0%)
  • Pet (100%)

Start Date: 08/30/2024 @ 12:20 AM
End Date: 09/06/2024 @ 12:01 AM

Are you interested in local elections?

  • No (0%)
  • Yes (100%)

Start Date: 08/23/2024 @ 12:01 AM
End Date: 08/30/2024 @ 12:01 AM

Have you used up any of your vacation time this summer?

  • I don’t get vacations (0%)
  • No (0%)
  • Yes (100%)

Start Date: 08/16/2024 @ 12:38 AM
End Date: 08/23/2024 @ 12:10 AM

Have you considered moving out of the state in the last year?

  • No (0%)
  • Yes (100%)

Start Date: 08/09/2024 @ 12:00 AM
End Date: 08/16/2024 @ 12:15 AM

Do you grow your own summer fruits and vegetables?

  • Yes (0%)
  • No (100%)

Start Date: 08/02/2024 @ 12:27 AM
End Date: 08/09/2024 @ 12:01 AM