Alpine View Lodge makes Top Team at the Walk for Alzheimer’s event

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By: Lori Bledsoe
The Alpine Sun
Quest for the Cure is the Walk for Alzheimer’s team populated by Alpine View Lodge members  and supporters.  Linda Cioffi, the Team Captain started this year’s journey in fundraising by setting the goal at $50,000.  Her desire to obliterate a disease that affects so many families is intense, and her 2016 efforts began in March to reach the goal.
They didn’t just reach the goal; they soared over it, as Cioffi writes in a letter to the community:

By: Lori Bledsoe
The Alpine Sun
Quest for the Cure is the Walk for Alzheimer’s team populated by Alpine View Lodge members  and supporters.  Linda Cioffi, the Team Captain started this year’s journey in fundraising by setting the goal at $50,000.  Her desire to obliterate a disease that affects so many families is intense, and her 2016 efforts began in March to reach the goal.
They didn’t just reach the goal; they soared over it, as Cioffi writes in a letter to the community:
“ WE DID IT!  QUEST FOR THE CURE went over it’s goal of $50,000.00 for the WALK4ALZ this morning.  I can’t thank all of our supporters enough for digging deep and contributing all they could for this fundraiser for Alzheimer’s San Diego.  The walk  took place on Saturday the 15th of WALKTOBER at Balboa Park.  The festival area was on the corner on Park Blvd. and President’s Way.
Our team was recognized at 7:30 from the festival stage for the incredible job we have done in raising funds to support those afflicted now and to fund research for a cure in the future.   100% of your dollars stay in San Diego to make a difference today and tomorrow.   I can’t express to all of you enough how proud I am that our Lodge and it’s supporters were able to raise this level of funding.  We may be small but like the wings of the MONARCH BUTTERLY we can begin the winds of change.
Way to go team.  You are all amazing!”
There were thousands of people there to support this event, and the ages ranged from the very young to the elderly.  Everyone was getting on their feet to walk this disease out of existence.


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