Home of Guiding Hands 13th Annual 2023 Randy Jones Run/Walk for Independence 5K Run, Walk & Roll is scheduled for April 22 at Crown Point Park in San Diego, with early bird registrations specials available until April 1.
HGH’s former Chief Financial Officer Jan Adams recently retired from HGH, saying now she gets to “do all the fun stuff” for the East County nonprofit, one of the largest providers with a dynamic spectrum of individualized services supporting persons with special needs in San Diego and Imperial counties. Adams said Randy Jones has supported HGH for more than the length of the Walk for Independence.
“It is a run, walk and roll,” she said. “Wheelchairs are welcome. This event is not just for competitive runners. This is really focused on individuals with special needs, their families and friends. It is just fun day.”
Adams said the location is beautiful, and registration begins at 8 a.m., along with the fun and activities, with the walk/run starting at 9 a.m.
“One of the great things about this is that all funds raised support over 4,200 people that HGH serves every year,” she said. “Another thing, 100% of funds raised go straight to programs. We were able to secure funding through grants to cover all administrative costs.”
Adams said that this event draws families with and without special needs, with food, games, entertainment, and encourages people to sign up ahead, to ensure they get their t-shirts. People can sign up as individuals or teams at randyjonesrunwalk.org.
Due to the generosity of the Grossmont Healthcare District, Adams said for the first time it has funding to cover 200 complimentary entries for individuals with special needs and their families or caregivers, up to six people, on a first-come, first-serve basis.
“That is such a great opportunity,” she said. “We can have up to 1,000 people, and we are hoping to have close to that number. It is going to be an outstanding day. We hope to raise a lot of funds and we hope to have a lot of fun.”
Adams said this is one of HGH’s largest fundraisers and it has grown over the years, holding it at Santee Lakes for the first two years until it outgrew the space.
“It has changed over the years to a more fun event than a standard 5K run,” she said. “It is meant to engage families, everyone that has special needs, or people who want to learn more about it.”
“Randy Jones has been supporting HGH for much longer than 13 years, more like 30 to 35 years, and the event is named after him,” she said. “He is just such an amazing man. Not only with his career with the Padres, but as a supporter and a philanthropist. He is a wonderful man, so we like to honor him with this run/walk. He will be at the event for a Meet & Greet, and many people will have an opportunity for autographs and to talk to Randy.”