High school teacher top in the state

Grossmont High School Math teacher Kristen LoPrell

State Superintendent of In­struction Tony Thurmond an­nounced that Grossmont High School Math teacher Kristen LoPrell has been named one of five California Teachers of the Year.

“Over Kristen LoPrell’s re­markable career, she has helped countless Grossmont High School students discover the beauty of mathematics,” said GUHSD Superintendent Mike Fowler in a press release. “She is an outstanding educa­tor whose dedication to ensur­ing every student has a path to success is demonstrated by her fierce commitment to improv­ing instructional practices and the many students who have testified to the influence she has had on their lives.”

LoPrell has served as a Grossmont High School Math teacher since 2015 and current­ly serves as Math Department chair. She has served as an aca­demic league coach, freshman orientation leader, and math coach. She has also updated course pathways to provide ac­cess to all levels of honors math for all students. As an adjunct professor at Point Loma Naz­arene University, where she earned both her Bachelor of Science in Math and Master of Teaching degrees, she taught courses in research methods and best practices for statisti­cal analysis and also guided new teachers in math prac­tices, classroom management, and instruction.

“This is the honor of my ca­reer,” LoPrell said. “Teaching mathematics is pure joy for me. My students make my days brighter and helping them re­alize they can do math is my favorite.”

The California Department of Education, the California Teachers of the Year Program, supported by the California Teachers of the Year Founda­tion, began in 1972 to honor outstanding teachers and en­courage and inspire new teach­ers to enter the profession. County offices of education nominate California Teachers of the Year applicants through their county-level competitions. The CDE selection committees review applications, evaluate teachers’ rapport with stu­dents, classroom environments, presentation skills, and teach­ing techniques, and interview the teachers. The State Super­intendent of Public Instruction then selects the five California Teachers of the Year and the National Teacher of the Year nominee.


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