Kiss and Make Up Day may just be the perfect opportunity for you!


So, here is a little jewel of information that may give you an opportunity to make your life so very much better.  August 25, 2013 is Kiss and Make Up Day.  Imagine that, a whole day dedicated to the art of ending an argument, a fight, a tiff or just  a silly disagreement that got out of control.  I have no idea who made this day, or dedicated it to making up, but it creates the perfect opportunity to say you’re sorry for anything and everything that you have done to cause a schism in any relationship that you hold dear, whether it be a romantic

So, here is a little jewel of information that may give you an opportunity to make your life so very much better.  August 25, 2013 is Kiss and Make Up Day.  Imagine that, a whole day dedicated to the art of ending an argument, a fight, a tiff or just  a silly disagreement that got out of control.  I have no idea who made this day, or dedicated it to making up, but it creates the perfect opportunity to say you’re sorry for anything and everything that you have done to cause a schism in any relationship that you hold dear, whether it be a romantic relationship, a friendship, or a family member that you have not been able to speak with for a while.
Let’s face it, we all have moments in our lives when we say something that doesn’t come out right, or we would like to take back something that we said that did come out right and caused hard feelings.  We have all made mistakes, and we have all had disputes with people we love.  Kiss and Make Up Day allows us the perfect opportunity to end those cold frosty feelings that cause uncomfortable silences when someone you are spatting with is in the room.  It’s important for us to remember why we love people in the first place and that it is good to forgive and forget.
Take a moment and reach out to all of those whom you have suffered a break with.  If the infraction is one that you must take responsibility for, do something that they would never expect like buy a card that tells them how much they mean to you, Remember greeting cards are only a dollar at The Dollar Tree. You can buy flowers and personally deliver them, or if delivery on a personal level to your intended apology recipient may cause you bodily harm, have them delivered by a service.  In Alpine, we have two florists who can arrange delivery, Alpine Artistic Florist, and Earth Wind and Sea.  Maybe chocolate would make things sweeter for you and your mended relationship, as Rachel Vincent said, “Chocolate says “I’m sorry” so much better than words.” I agree with her. Or maybe a surprise dinner out might do the trick to allow you to take the opportunity to apologize. I can personally recommend many of the eateries in town, and many who know me can already tell you which ones are my favorites.
Whatever you choose to do on this August the 25th, remember to appreciate the good in people, love your family and friends and embrace the spirit of the day. And lastly, if nothing else an apology is a good way to have the last word.


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