Over the past month, the Alpine Sun contacted candidates who were either running opposed or those candidates who were running for empty seats in the various local elections. Those candidates who responded to our request for interviews are listed within this news article. The Alpine Sun believes that local residents should be informed as to the thoughts and goals of those seeking elections. No endorsements should be implied as the statements are in the candidates own words.
2 seats are open
Over the past month, the Alpine Sun contacted candidates who were either running opposed or those candidates who were running for empty seats in the various local elections. Those candidates who responded to our request for interviews are listed within this news article. The Alpine Sun believes that local residents should be informed as to the thoughts and goals of those seeking elections. No endorsements should be implied as the statements are in the candidates own words.
2 seats are open
Jennifer Martinez: Candidate Martinez is running for election to the school board in order to assist in stopping the loss of enrollment from our district. Lets identify the reasons students are moving to the Lakeside District and fulfill whatever need we are lacking. She believes that she will be able to bring needed business skills to the board. Martinez also has 3 children and her only interest in being on the board is to support Alpine’s children. Martinez has absolutely no financial ties to education that might influence her decisions. Mrs. Martinez believes that spending must be controlled and that school budgets should be treated the same way people control their own budget. Candidate Jennifer Martinez supports the unification efforts currently underway in Alpine.
Tim Caruthers: Dr Caruthers is running for election after serving for 12 years as a Trustee for the Grossmont-Cuyamaca College District. Caruthers is a long time resident of Alpine and has the time to effectively serve on the board. He states that his 12 years on the college board will be very helpful locally and that he is good at the job and will be very helpful with the tough decisions Alpine’s school district is currently facing. He feels that the district must stop spending more than it brings in. Dr. Caruthers on unification is positive as he feels that Alpine needs our own high school.
Dana Zeno: Candidate Zeno says that he will bring organizational skills to the board. He has a Masters degree in organizational management and leadership and he has the proven ability to work well with others. Zeno believes that the district needs change. Community needs a larger voice in decision making and a board made up of members with no personal agenda and absolutely no financial connection to education. He would like to open all permissible board information up to the public and continually remind other board members to remember that student well being should always come first when making difficult decisions. Zeno also supports Alpine’s efforts to have their own high school.
Joseph Perricone: Perricone say that kids need him now more than ever. He stated that he knows and understands budgets and while other new members will take time to come up to speed on understanding budgets, he already knows them. He would like to see more transparency to the community and wants the district to always tell the truth. He says that he will visit all of the schools unannounced and be a steward for our tax dollars. He will strengthen supply controls and require bar coding on all supplies to assist with inventory controls. Mr. Perricone does have a wife employed by the district but states that the fact will never influence his vote. He strongly favors unification.
Al Guerra: Mr. Guerra’s interview answers were short and to the point. He is running for election because he is a parent that wants to be involved. He has communication skills and is able to bring people with opposing ideas together. If elected, Candidate Guerra says he will drill down deeply within the budget. He also is in favor of unification for Alpine.
Vote for 1
Augie Caires: Mr. Caires states that he brings a wealth of experience to the Padre Dam Water Board. He is a water professional and served for 13 years as General Manager of the Water District. He says that he has a good business head, the ability to maintain a balanced budget with strategic planning for the future. He will continue to watch over financial conditions, maintain a no waste policy with appropriate rates and plan for a secondary connection for Alpine. He will maintain transparent governance and ensure water redundancy for fire services and increased flow.
Vote for 8
Cory Kill: Cory Kill would like to continue to the community for a 2nd term because it keeps him connected with Alpine. He has a background in Architecture and a career of planning, permitting and real estate appraisals. He understand the impact of market values on a community and would like to continue to contribute input toward the rezoning of Alpine’s community Core. Kill would like to broaden the amount of information on land use available to community members and filter the amount of information received. Decisions made by the group should always apply to the general welfare of all of our residents.
Roger Garay: Mr. Garay is concerned about the direction of the planning group and is up for re-election to vote for what is best for the community, rather than individuals.
Having been a construction manager with Southern California Edison and San Onofre as well as a real estate developer and venture capitalist he brings a wealth of experience to the planning board. Although the Alpine Planning Group is primarily a powerless body, you can hopefully bring your yea’s or nay’s forward to influence thoughtful decisions.
Vote for 3
Story Vogel: Mr. Vogel said that the reason he is running is that having lived elsewhere makes him want to be a part of the peoples voice over developers. He brings a diverse background to the position having been a school teacher, a preservationist and the holder of a law degree. He is running to attempt more change in the community and to get more civic minded residents involved. To allow for more local voices and opinions in decisions involving the future of Pine Valley.