Butterflies are free to fly away, a glass bottle floating in the ocean has only the current to influence its direction and for the people living in the 13 colonies the declaration of Independence was America’s first step towards freedom.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. America was truly that city as she began to shake the shackles of Great Britain loose. The king of Britain had for too long been persecuting his people. Brave men and women, for nearly two centuries before, had ventured out to colonize the New World. The 13 American colonies would no longer be ruled by the monarch of Britain. For weeks before July 4, 1776 a committee of five men, with Thomas Jefferson as the principal author, set out to put into a statement the colonies’ intentions for independence. It is of interest to historians that John Adams wrote a letter to his wife stating that July 2 would become a great day of celebration in which Americans would remember this day of independence by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. He went on to write that the celebration ought to include; parades, shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of this continent to the other.
Well, while most of Mr. Adams predictions have come true he only missed the actual celebration by two days. As a point of interest both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson would die fifty years later on the same day, July 4th 1826, and both were U.S. Presidents. The next year the celebration would include a 13 gun salute, speeches, prayers, music, parades, troop reviews, firework displays as ships in port were decked out in red, white and blue. Out of these colors would be born the symbol of our freedom “Old Glory”, “The Star Spangled Banner” and the “Red, White and Blue”. Although the flag herself has been officially changed 26 times since 1777, she still bears the symbols of our freedom. Thirteen red and white strips represent the 13 original American colonies. The red stripes stand for courage and readiness to sacrifice, the white stripes stand for pure intentions and high ideals while the blue stands for vigilance and justice. Our country was always intended to be a “City set on a hill” shinning God’s light of freedom and justice for the entire world to behold. The flag, framed by two deep red stripes, remind us of the blood, the ultimate sacrifice, of so many men and women who served and fought for freedom around the world. The white stars in a background of blue, remind us of great stellar constellations in our night sky, of grand exploration and discovery of new lands. The first people who ventured here from Britain were fleeing from religious persecution and tyranny. They brought with them faith, hope and love; ideals that forged our great nation.
Sacrifice is the main truth that characterizes our nation. Tolerance, justice for all and the idea that all men were created equal are foundational truths that America has planted at her roots. As one nation under God, she will continue to shine her very bright light over a world that is saturated with hate and intolerance. The world is filled with diversities. All of God’s creation exists to thrive in relationships that are bound together just as individual threads that create the fabric of our flag. It’s the Christian’s belief that humanity is a social fabric that God has designed and created for His good pleasure.
While evil flourishes, good men and women everywhere will continue to stand for freedom. They will continue to make the ultimate sacrifice for others by selfishly laying down their lives, shedding their blood for what is good, just and right.
We see that love modeled for us when God gave His only Son to the entire world. Jesus willingly laid down His own life to pay a debt that the world could never pay. His blood is so powerful that death cannot contain it and His courage was that of a mighty lion standing to protect His pride! Pray that our nation will never forget the blood that was shed on and off our soil for freedom. Pray also that the world never forget the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ and His blood that covered a wooden cross outside the walls of Jerusalem. So let us enjoy the 4th of July with all of its pomp, parade, fireworks and festivities. Eat and drink to your heart’s content in the company of family and friends. But let the memory of all that has gone before us linger in our minds like the smoke that lingers from the barrel of a cannon or musket. May the memory of Jesus’ sacrifice stay with us forever.