The last area concert of summer was held Sept. 6 on the green lawn of the Alpine Community Center where more than 700 people turned up to see local country band Whiskey Ridge entertain the crowd.
Families spread out picnic dinners on blankets that stretched across the park while barefoot and cowboy-booted children ran in and out of the playground area and across the grass, setting the seen of a small American town celebrating the last days of summer at a community event.
Two-year old Carmela Medina kicked off the dancing on the cement stage with the band still setting up, while older children turned cartwheels and attempted a bit of awkward line dancing.
It was a landmark night for the community center as Eddie Vandiver, who served as emcee for the evening, informed the crowd.
“This is the 20th celebration of the Alpine Community Center and Shane has cake!”
Vandiver gestured to the shaded tables decorated with posters of past events at the facility after informing the crowd that the community center is independently owned and exists thanks to personal memberships, and enticed attendees to purchase a membership by telling them current and newly signed up members were eligible to enter a raffle for a complimentary dinner for two at Marietta’s Mexican restaurant.
Community Center Board Member Sue Hobbs sliced up cake for those who wanted to indulge in a sweet treat while they looked over memorabilia and flipped through the photo albums laid out for display on the tables.
“We started a long time ago to raise funds for that building. This is the 20th anniversary of our community center. Some of the photos predate the community center,” Hobbs said.
The Kiwanis club of Alpine had a prominent presence as one of the concert series’ sponsors: in addition to their mobile snack shack, they also set up a table with drinks for sale. Former Kiwanis President Pene Manale was quick to tell people about their upcoming chili cookoff on October 19 where proceeds will go to support the community center.
Meanwhile, library staff milled about the concert and made cheerful conversation with assorted attendees. One librarian jokingly mentioned her delight at seeing such a large crowd responsibly pick up all of their trash.
A handful of concert goers sat at the shaded Friends of the Library patio overlooking the concert and enjoyed the shade as well as the music.
“Oh, being here- it reminds me of growing up. My family listened to country music and I miss them so much,” Karissa Galves said.
As Whiskey Ridge moved through their set with a familiar country rock sound, families stood up and danced. The evening show continued until well after sunset, a musical end to summer.