I am so pleased to be able to say thank you to everyone that supported me and voted for me as your newest Trustee of the Alpine Union School Board. I sincerely appreciate your confiÂdence in me. Your confidence in me is reflected in the polls. As the first non-incumbent school board member to receive the most votes in over 40 years, this is a statement that you believe in the messages I have been sharing. Whether your votes are a mandate for change or simply for us to do better for our kids, I take both seriously and sinÂcerely appreciate your support. There was a time when Alpine schools were known for being among the best. When I walked Alpine neighborhoods and atÂtended events this past year to meet with community members, I found parents whose kids are out of college now. They talked about Alpine schools in the past as some of the best schools in California. I think of this every time I talk about Alpine schools.
Education and Our Children Are Personal to Me
I am the mother of three teenage boys and the wife of a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy. I have a doctorate in educational leadership and have spent over 20 years as a teacher and school principal. I will be the greatest advocate for our students, parents, teachers, staff, and anyone that has a pasÂsion for our schools. I know maÂny of the teachers, principals, and staff in Alpine schools and we have an extraordinary team. I am committed to working with school board members and the district as a team to drive posiÂtive change in our schools. I have spent time talking with parents in Alpine, listening to their concerns, and answering their questions. I have shared my vision for Alpine schools over the past 2 . years and how I can help bring Alpine schools back to being among the best schools in California.
My Focus I have been consisÂtent when talking to the comÂmunity on what I will focus on as a school board member. There are three key issues that I will pursue and work with the board as a priority. Fiscal ReÂsponsibility : We need to look at every dollar that we spend as a district and how each dollar diÂrectly impacts the education of our children. Successful schools have a clear focus on in-class inÂstruction and focus on the sucÂcess of every student.
Student Success : To be sucÂcessful, we need to monitor the success of every student in our district. We can only improve as a school district when our chilÂdren succeed. Studies show that when schools focus consistently on individual student success, there is a direct impact on indiÂvidual students and there is a multiplier effect on the success of other students as well. DisÂtrict Enrollment : Our district has consistently lost students over the years, which has had an impact on our school district budget. District enrollment deÂtermines the level of financial resources that our schools reÂceive, which has an extraordiÂnary effect on the success of our schools. Enrollment and stuÂdents staying in the district is crucial to the success of Alpine schools. Each student repreÂsents over $18,000 per year in budget revenue from the state, federal and other government sources, which significantly impacts the education that our schools can provide to students.
My Commitments I have committed to several issues as an Alpine school board memÂber. Each of these are based on what I have heard from AlÂpine parents and the commuÂnity over the past few years and the issues that I know will contribute to us being better as a school district. TransparÂency : My first commitment is transparency with the commuÂnity. When talking to parents and community members, the overwhelming request has been for transparency. Parents and community members want to know more about decisions reÂlated to our schools and how these affect their children. ComÂmunication : I am committed to openly communicating what is going on in our schools and talkÂing with the community. I will proactively communicate open session board discussions and issues that affect our children. I will always address the quesÂtions and concerns Alpine parÂents have related to our schools.
Availability : I will always make time to talk with Alpine parents and community memÂbers as a priority. Alpine parÂents want to be heard and want more access to the people that make decisions that affect their children. This is one of my top priorities. I will always make time to talk and answer quesÂtions. I invite parents, stuÂdents, teachers, certified staff, classified staff, and everyone in Alpine that cares about our schools to reach out to me. I will make time to meet with you or have a call to address any topics you would like to discuss. You can follow me on Facebook at Erika Alpine School Board for updates and email me at eriÂkatsimmons@gmail.com or call me at (619) 928-2581.