Sunday is Mother’s Day. A day we celebrate our own and all mothers that have been and will be. From a spiritual sense the mothering energy is within us all no matter our gender. Yes, we typically think of a mother as a female but a mothering instinct has no gender basis.
Everything in life is moving. Energy flows at various vibraÂtions. Physical/human based energy is at the lower spectrum of vibration and movement where spiritual energy is considerably higher and thus able to create, renew, restore and generate an infinite array of life experiences with precision clarÂity, ease and grace. This week consider the life force within you that is nurturing, uplifting and giving without reservation of any kind. It is absolutely unÂconditional Love. Be especially kind, loving and giving to yourÂself and as you do this you will naturally reflect that energy out to others. Acknowledge and feel the magnificent Goddess energy flowing to, through, as and all around you. This spiriÂtual life energy is for you in evÂery way, lifting you to Its higher realm where nothing is imposÂsible.
Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are always in your right and perfect place, doing the very best you can AND there are always more divine gifts awaiting your acceptance and distribution thereof.
Say with me: “I am grateÂful for mothers and the divine mothering energy within us all. This energy supports and encourages me every step of the way through my journey of Life for It is unconditional Love alÂways wanting the highest and best for me at all times. I am so very grateful. Thank you, God. And it is so!