Thought for the Week: Downs and Ups

In the Christian tradition this Sunday is Palm Sunday. It marks the day Jesus entered Jerusalem greeted by cheering throngs who would then turn on him a few short days later. Jesus was our way shower. He represented what being divine and human at the same time can be like. So as we enter this season of Spring with newness in the air, let’s talk about the “Downs and Ups” of life which we all experience.

In fact there are times in life when we can feel as if we are on a roller coaster ride. With a slow and steady chugging uphill only to reach the pinnacle where we dive down with exhilarated speed. Some people thrive on that sort of excitement, and some are horrified by it. Whether we welcome or despise it, the nature of life brings contrast day in and day out.

The lesson to be learned is to take Jesus’ lead and example by allowing and letting the _ ow of Life weave Its mysterious ways in and through us. This power of Life (God, Love, Spirit) is all ruling will. Jesus prayed, “not my will but thine be done.” Time and again we must lose our life as we know it to be raised up to higher and deeper levels of Selfawareness. Fr. Richard Rohr calls it falling upward.

Are you experiencing a dark night of the soul now? Are you free falling downward? It may not feel good but if so, now is the time to bolster your faith in the Goodness of Life. Now is the time to be pliable and teachable. Now is the time to know that Jesus and God have you in their enfolding arms of Love and will never leave you. Peace be unto you as you look and discover the silver lining lying in quiet repose.

Say with me: “I realize no matter what Life brings me I am fully loved and supported. I raise my vision for the greater yet to be and am at peace.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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