As we’ve been focusing on Connective Relationships this month, expressing our sincere appreciation to another is one of the best and simplest ways to foster supportive relationships. We all know that you can attract more of what pleases you with honey versus vinegar. We also know that giving praise encourages others to give of their best.
You might try this simple formula for verbally expressing your appreciation. #1 – State what it is the person did. #2 – Tell them what need this filled for you & #3 – Tell them how it made you feel.
There’s an old cartoon where one Native American remarks to another, “Watch me use modern psychology on my horse!” He then leads his friend near to where the horse can overhear their conversation and exclaims, “I have the fastest, most courageous horse in all the West!” The horse looks sad and says to itself, “How do you like that? He’s gone and bought himself another horse.” So be sure to give your appreciation and praise directly to the individual!
Be aware that many people, perhaps even yourself, might feel uncomfortable receiving and accepting appreciation and compliments. With this in mind, be sure your appreciation is sincere and comes from the heart. Also know that when appreciation or a compliment comes your way to be gracious and accept this gift from the other person. For someone to take the time and intention to express gratitude is a gift of the highest order.
Say with me: “I set the intention to be aware of the wonderful ways others give of themselves that brings me satisfaction and joy. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to others and accept it as well with ease and grace. And it is so.”
Nice article Gay!