There have been many books, discussions and queries into seeking the Truth – to seeking God. There are many ways to describe God. We say God is Love; God is Peace; God is Wholeness and Harmony; God is Infinite; God is the Alpha and the Omega. Whatever words we may use to describe God they are all inadequate, for one cannot describe God with words and images. We cannot reduce God down to a human concept or idea.
And so, we go from teacher to teacher be it the mystics such as Jesus, Buddha, or the poets such as Rumi or Hafiz. Perhaps we avail ourselves of the writings of Aristotle, Plato, Plotinus or Emerson. The list is endless. Many of us find ourselves on a spiritual quest ever seeking what will give us a final realization and awareness of what exactly God is.
We pride ourselves on being “seekers” on the spiritual path. Much like riding a carrousel and trying to grab the brass ring as we go by, we primarily come up empty handed; we come up empty in our searching for the one true source, substance and meaning to life. Feeling that emptiness and longing drive many to seek solace in humanly events and activities.
But what we are looking for we are looking with. God cannot be found in books. God cannot be found in what others espouse. The great secret and great mystery was handed down to us plainly and clearly time
and again. I Am that I Am. Before Abraham was, I am. I am the light of the world. I am the bread of life. Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. The way to find God is to go within and discover the great I Am.
Say with me: “I now realize and accept the God of my being is right within me, hidden in plain view. I no longer seek but find and allow the great I Am to live fully and freely through and as me this day.”
—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine
Church of Spiritual Living