Thought for the Week: Free to choose

After having celebrated our nation’s Independence, the theme of Freedom is woven throughout the topics this month. This week’s message highlights our freedom to choose. Just think about that – we are free at any given moment to choose our thoughts, words, and actions. Our freedom comes in our choice of attitude initially. It’s the manner in which we respond to anything in life is where our true choice lies. I don’t know who said it, but I know there’s an old saying: “It’s not what happens to you in life that matters, but your reaction or response to it.” Think about that for a moment. There’ a subtle but vast difference between reacting and responding in my book. Many times, we have “knee-jerk” reactions to events in our life that are not supportive. Where if we stop and take a breath before reacting, we can be more available to responding with wisdom and grace.

Placing ourselves in the seat of knowing the Divine is within and around us at all times will give us a sense of confidence and peace. Take on the attitude that Life is happening for me – not to me. If challenges occur, look at them as opportunities for growth. Life is about change as nothing stays stagnant for long before it starts to break down. As Lorna Bright so aptly wrote: “The choices that we make are the way that we create the life that we experience, day by day.” And as Marcy Baruch wrote: “With each tiny choice, our fate.”

We are the ones who choose our fate by the choices we make. This week realize that no matter what situation life presents to you, you are at choice in innumerable ways to respond to it. The more you can respond from the Love that is breathing your breath and beating your heart, the happier you’ll be. Know that the Power within you is greater than anything in the outer. If challenges arise, go within and open your heart to hear the Divine guidance which constantly comes from within.

Say with me: “I am aware that at any moment I am free to choose my thinking and subsequent actions. I stop and ask, “What would Love do here?” and then proceed under divine guidance and my life is blessed in immeasurable ways. And it is so.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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