Quoting John Randolph Price: “Fear is the root cause of essentially every problem that we face on the third-dimensional plane.” If we want to eliminate problems in our life, we will need to remove the belief that there is anything, and I do mean anything, to fear. What we fear is what we ourselves project on the screen of life out of the lower vibration of the mortal ego.
What will change us from being fearful to fearless is a total, all encompassing belief that the God of Love and all sufficiency is at every moment operating through our lives. We need to change our belief from being separated from this God of Love to one of having a deep, all abiding knowing and feeling of being held and guided by this beautiful divine Presence and Power.
The first step in making room and accepting Love as our guiding light is to give up resentment – “a feeling of indignant displeasure at something regarded as a wrong, insult or injury”. This is done through the act of forgiveness which is defined as “to cease to feel resentment against – to give up resentment.”
Next go about your day feeling the Presence of God/Love within you. Talk to the Presence, listen to the Presence, walk with the Presence, laugh with the Presence, thank the Presence and love the Presence.
Say with me: “I now totally surrender my mortal mind, ego and personality to the Spirit within, knowing that the Activity of God now taking place within me and through me is the only Power at work in my life and affairs. With complete gratitude I surrender to the Love of my heart and soul. And it is so.”