Thought for the Week: Getting the unexpected

As we move through this life experience it seems natural to want certain things and not want others. Most of us have wish lists. In fact, now that the holidays are approaching, we’re asking those close to us to give us gift ideas and we have our own. Wanting things and situations that are desirable is an everyday occurrence. Our New Thought teachings advise us to “Think about what you want, not about what you don’t want”; “What you focus on increases”; “State your intentions and you will draw that energy to you.”

But what happens in life when you don’t get what you expected? The Theme for the month of November is “Thank You God!” How can we be grateful when we don’t get what we wanted? Gratitude seems to be the last thing that comes to mind. No doubt, disappointment is part of this life experience.

I feel it is always best to state our intention, make our request known to God, and then end our prayers with “this or something better.” Many times, the “something better” is beyond our current knowing and understanding. It’s really about perception and judgment. When things don’t turn out as we wanted, it may take time and an attitude adjustment to recognize the good in it. Put your faith and knowing that there is a Higher Power made only of Love and Its energy could never harm you or forsake you. It is always available to you, but you must make the first move to recognize, worship and live in Its ways. Emma Curtis Hopkins stated: “This too is God. This too is good. And I demand to see the good in it now.” Be open and receptive to finding the Good in life.

Say with me: “I have an open and receptive mind and heart so I may recognize and accept the good God is always bestowing upon me. I am grateful. And it is so.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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