Thought for the Week: Give us this day

Life is to be lived one day at a time and literally one moment at a time. All we truly have is this one precious moment that is brim full of all we have need of. The storehouse of in­finite possibilities awaits our demand and recognition of it. What is your pleasure? What do you believe is possible?

Wake up this day to your greatest potential. Wake up to living the life you have always dreamed you could have. How is this done? Being grateful, truly grateful for what we have at this very moment. For the act and deep feeling of gratitude is a love song to the universe. As we broadcast out vibrations of deep satisfaction and joy we place ourselves on the wavelength of receiving more of our heart’s desires.

Go throughout this day consciously aware of the mo­ment at hand. Recognize the One Presence and Power lives, breathes and expresses Itself through you this day in every moment. Life is what we make of it. An attitude of gratitude humbles and at the same time elevates us to higher heights of expression.

Say with me: “Today I focus on the moment at hand. I rec­ognize God is giving me all and exactly what I have need of now. With an open mind and open heart I accept the gifts of spirit and do my part to bring them out into expression into the world. I am grateful. All is well. And it is so.”


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