As a spiritual being housed temporarily on this earth plane, we are here to reveal and be the presence of the divine in expresÂsion. One of the ways we do this is by the giving and sharing of our talents, gifts and energy. Some talents we come by natuÂrally. We have a certain incliÂnation or innate ability and do them easily and with grace.
Since Life is always moving on an upward spiral, we are alÂways being called to discover and develop new talents and ways to express our infinite potential. We are in service or serving when we give of our talents. There are over 1000 refÂerences in the Bible of serve or serving. To give to others from the depths of our hearts is a joy beyond compare.
Take the time this coming week to contemplate and acÂknowledge your innate gifts and talents. Recognize how you share these gifts with the world and see how this makes you feel. Chances are the feeling of deep satisfaction and joy will resonate within you.
Consider expanding your terÂritory to develop new and interÂesting ways in which you can be of service in the world. Go within and ask your Higher Self to reveal a hidden treasure your soul is longing to develop and share. Then boldly step forward to put a plan in action to serve as only you can.
Say with me: “I am aware of my natural gifts and am eager to share them with the world. I also know I am divinely led to develop more of my infinite potential and joyously move forward to bring them to fruition. Thank you God for Your continÂual loving guidance. I am here to serve. And it is so.