Thought for the Week: In the garden

In the Christian tradition we have been expe­riencing the season of Lent – the 40 days prior to Easter. This represents the 40 days Christ spent in the wilderness and for Christians it is a time of fasting or giving up something.

Unity School of Christianity founded over 100 years ago published a booklet entitled, “Fasting and Feasting, a spiritual practice for Lent 2019”. Some of the titles of the daily reads are “I fast from discontent & I feast on gratitude, I fast from anger and feast on patience, I fast from pessimism and I feast on optimism, I fast from hostility and I feast on non-resistance.” As we grow through this season of Lent, let us remember it is very good to give up those things that do not serve us and to focus on those things that do.

There is a still small voice within each of us beckoning us to choose the path of love versus fear at every moment. This is not an overpower­ing voice and therefore it takes a willingness to be tuned into the message it brings us. Life certainly has its ups and downs. This world is a world of contract. And yet each of us is at choice at every moment as to how we interpret and respond to the con­stant changes life brings.

I ask you in this coming week to be attuned and seek the guid­ance of this still small voice. It will encourage you to let go of anger, pessimism, hostility and the like. Set a practice and habit now to seeking spiritual matu­rity by asking, listening and following the directions your inner, Higher Self is teaching. Utilize the example the Christ gave as he prayed in the Garden prior to his arrest of feasting on non-resistance when he uttered, “Thy will be done”.

Say with me: “I know the spirit of Love resides within my heart and It only wants me to experience the highest and best that I can. I am therefore intentionally seeking Its guidance and direction. I place my life in Love/God’s abiding care and with a grateful heart I know all is well. And it is so.”


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