I trust you have ramped up your quiet, inner meditation time during this month, and if not, I encourage you to start now and don’t give it up. There’s no greater value and gift you can give yourself than becoming still, concentrating on the breath, and then opening your heart to be available to the whisperings of your divine Self.
We’ve been referring to Roy Eugene Davis’s booklet, An Easy Guide to Meditation this month. If you want a free copy, we have them available at our church service. Come and join us Sundays at 11 a.m. in Fuller Hall. This Sunday’s message is entitled “In the Silence.” It is in the silence, turning away from the chaotic whirling events of the world, that we can be fed, nurtured, and inspired. Our true Self is divine and infinite in nature. Going within brings forth these innate qualities and enhances awakened spiritual consciousness. The side benefits of meditation are highly documented. They are: Mental thinking processes become more organized. The body’s immune system is strengthened. Biologic aging processes are slowed. Stress symptoms are reduced. Intuition is awakened. Creativity is stimulated and appreciation for living is enhanced. And those are just the SIDE benefits!
This coming week do yourself a favor and bring these benefits into actualization for yourself. Once you tap your toe in the refreshing waters of the divine within, you will be encouraged to continue on the path of Self-realization. Say with me: “As an infinite being, I honor my innate Self and do everything I can to bring forth my soul qualities into my experience. Love points the way and I am ever so grateful.”
—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living