A Course in Miracles is just a Spirit, God, Love, Source, Divine Energy – whatever the name – is the creative cause back of and within everything. Each and every one of us is an individualized expression of this creative cause and has the freedom to choose every thought we think. There are times, however, that this doesn’t seem the case. There are times when we have “knee jerk” reactions to something that happens in our life and this too comes from our nature.
It is said that our species is “hard wired” to react with the flight, fight or freeze response when faced with a life threatening danger. And this is very likely the case. It is also true that as we’ve grown up in our family of origin we experienced situations we perceived to be emotionally or physically threatening and have built in an automatic coping response as well.
Science of Mind or Religious Science teaches “change your thinking change your life”. In order to do this, however, we must first be AWARE of our thinking. Most of us want to feel good and be happy all of the time. The truth is that’s not going to happen at every single moment. Peace is achieved when we can accept that there is a Source, Power, Energy that is breathing us. There are things that happen in life that we cannot “control”. There will be times when we are sad and times we are happy for thus is the Life experience. The sooner we can recognize thoughts that result in sadness, fear and the like, the sooner we can turn to a more supportive thought.
Say with me: “I am an individualized expression and avenue through with the Infinite expresses Itself. The more I know and accept deep in my being that the Father and I are one, the more I set myself free to live from my highest and infinite presence and potential. For this knowing, I am grateful. And it is so.”
— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living