There is a deep Truth that simply is. It is secretly written in the hearts of us all. There are many paths that lead to this Truth for the way is of no consequence. Mystics and sages throughout the ages have seen and shared this Truth. What is it? Love is the answer. Love is the answer to every question. Love is the solution to every problem. Love is the all abiding force and substance creating and sustaining all of life.
Love is what each and every one of us is – no matter the outward appearance. And what is Love? It is the givenness of Life. It is whole, complete and perfect by Its very nature. It is actually a deeper Truth than a finite mind can comprehend. The sunbeam cannot comprehend the sun. All it must do is allow that single ray to simply shine. That is what each and every creation is. There is no separation. Cause and effect are one and the same.
We in our humanness have unknowingly chosen separation. We in our humanness have judged, compared, contrasted and categorized. The Master told us to judge with right judgment. To simplify the Truth, we are taught to accept the Father, Christ and Holy Spirit abide within – that the Father and I are one.
When we accept the Truth, we judge with right judgment. When we accept our divine nature, we become supple, teachable and available for Spirit to do Its mighty work in and through us. It is one thing to know the Truth, and it is yet another thing all together to live from and as It.
Say with me: “Just for today I accept and live from my natural state of pure perfect Love. I am teachable and available, allowing Love to freely flow out and through me. Life is a joy to live and I am ever so grateful. And it is so.”
— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living.