Thought for the Week: Moving forward

As we progress through the first month of 2021 let us acknowledge that Life is ever moving forward. Just take a look at the history of the re­lationship of mankind to the Divine. In primitive times the movement of the moon and stars created confusion and un­rest. These people feared God whom they imagined as a domi­neering force that brought hav­oc to their world. Over time the human race has grown in its un­derstanding to where God has become more accessible, more approachable, more loveable, until, through the teachings of many mystics, including Christ Jesus, we have learned that God, the Father, and I are one.

There is no doubt that Life is about change. “Behold, I make all things new.” Change can be uncomfortable there no doubt about that. However, if you see where change is necessary and is beckoning you to follow, take the lead and move quickly. Do what you can do in the moment. Know that Goodness awaits in the next breath and in the next step.

Eileen Caddy writes: “Let the old die away, revealing the new. There is something truly won­derful waiting to be revealed when you let go of all the old completely. Always remem­ber that it is resistance that causes pain, so be not impatient and resentful. When you have an ingrowing toenail, it hurts. When a soul is ingrowing and fails to give out, fails to expand, that soul suffers much pain and conflict.” In order to do this, we must accept God as our con­stant guide and companion who will never leave or fail us. But we must take the initiative to invite the Divine into our con­scious recognition.

Say with me: “I gladly let go of the past and with my loving God taking my hand and lead­ing the way, I step freely and joyously into a greater expres­sion of Life, moving onward and upward. And it is so.”

— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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