Thought for the Week: Praise

“This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 is probably my favorite of all the verses in the Bible. It is so direct, simple and cuts to the heart of what the essence of life on earth is all about. We are living in the Kingdom. We have been given all that we have need of. It is the Father’s good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. But it is up to us to receive and partake in it.

The Kingdom of Heaven is the Kingdom of Expansion and the way to expand what we have is through praise and joy and thanksgiving. Looking at the examples of supply in the Bible, seldom did it appear out of thin air. Almost always God required the recipients of His bounty to start with what they had. The widow used the oil she had. The feeding of multitudes started with five loaves and two fish. We are to take what we have and knowing what we want, having a goal in mind, we use what is before us and have a heart filled with praise and gratitude our needs are met and even exceeded.

You can have what you want in life but you must first plant it Praise what you have right now and it will Raise your spirits to higher heights. Give the infi­nite, unbounded Source within you a goal to reach and achieve. Think of a GOAL as God’s Op­portunity for Abundant Living. Know what you want, know it is before you, do what you can do right now with joy in your heart.

For when our joy is full and spills out of us, the Universe responds with like kind. Know your goal and be grateful for this present moment awareness – right here and right now bless your life and everything in it. In this way you are tending the tender seed of desire and it will grow beyond measure.

Say with me: “Right now I realize how abundantly blessed my life is and I joyfully shout to the heavens my gratitude for all. I am here to be a distribution center of my divine qualities. Use me God beyond my wildest imagination to spread the King­dom of Love and infinite Joy in this very moment, right where I am planted. And it is so. Amen.”



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