Prosperity comes in many forms – through health, harmonious relationships, peace and plenty. As we have been opening our mind to prosperity this month we’ve learned to clear and clean out both our minds and physical spaces. We’ve learned to affirm and speak words of which we want to bring into our experience. We’ve perhaps made a vision board with pictures depicting our desires. We’ve learned the secret to permanent prosperity is the consistent habit of tithing 10% of our gross income to where we are fed spiritually.
But one of the most powerful ways and means to bring about prosperity in all its many forms is by the love concept. Famed psychologist Eric Fromm describes the love concept simply: “Love shows itself as a harmonious attitude toward life.” An attitude of love is open, freeing and giving. Catherine Ponder states: “Practicing the love concept helps us develop a noncritical attitude, less resistant to life and people when they do not follow our personal set of rules. If we can also remain harmonious, nonresistant, and uncritical when things go wrong, then we are practicing the love concept and giving it a chance to make things right, perhaps in ways we could not foresee.”
On an ancient Greek temple were inscribed the words, “Love tempered with wisdom is the secret of life”. God and Love are one and the same. As children of God we are made in the image and likeness of love – it is our natural state. Remind yourself of your inheritance. Be nonresistant and uncritical when things don’t go your way in life.
Say with me: “I am the illumined child of God, filled with the Spirit of divine love and wisdom, by which I am guided in all my ways and now led into that which is for my highest good. And it is so.”
— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living.