Thought for the Week: Prosperous thinking

There is a Substance, a Wholeness, a universal Being that gives and sustains Life to all in equal proportion. Nothing is withheld, but all is available in infinite and unlimited quan­tities from the vast storehouse of the Kingdom. Each of us is living in this infinite storehouse right now and at each and every moment.

The quantity and quality of this Substance that we experi­ence is based upon our individu­al demand and use of It through our thinking and feeling nature. The master Jesus the Christ told of the key to accessing these riches. He said, “Ask and you will receive”; “With what measure you measure, it will be measured unto you” and “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom”.

To experience the fullness of the Kingdom takes our intimate involvement. It takes knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that our Source is Infinite in nature and that there are many chan­nels through which Its riches are distributed. When we at­ tune our thinking to expect­ing to receive prosperity in the form of wealth, health, amazing relationships and creative ful­filling endeavors, the Father’s Kingdom comes flooding to and through us. Remember the “through” is a valuable key. Cir­culation, movement, flow and exchange promote increase, freshness and innovation. Be willing to let go and live in the ever present now – freely giving and receiving without reserve.

Say with me: “I am an open, free and willing distribution center of the Divine. Today I embrace all the wonderful gifts God continually pours out. I freely and joyfully give my very best to the world and it gives it back to me pressed down and overflowing. And it is so.”


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