Thought for the Week: Receive with gratitude

If we were to be honest, most of us initially resist change, especially the kind that seems forced upon us. So many times change is not in our control. I’d like you to think back on some changes in your life that you did not initiate and at the time caused great concern and perhaps even upheaval. Did you metaphorically kick and scream during the process? Or perhaps you actually did kick and scream! Yet as you look back from a different vantage can you admit that there were some good aspects that emerged for your benefit? Chances are, if you’re honest, you can admit “yes” the change did have a positive aspect.

What if you changed your attitude and decided to receive change with gratitude instead of grimace? It is said that many times life throws us curve balls. What if you dug down deep into your being in those times and recognized that this change might actually be for your benefit? What if you drew from a Power deep inside, the Power of the Infinite, the Power of Love, the Power of Assuredness that there is within you something that is opening you up to a greater yet to be than you’ve ever previously known?

When an unexpected change occurs in your life next time, try taking a deep breath and decide to be supple. Decide to wait on your usual initial kneejerk reaction and instead literally say “Thank you.” Let down your guard to see the possible positive potential that awaits. Be like the little boy, who when seeing a pile of manure starts digging through it saying: “There must be a pony here somewhere!”

Say with me: “I can take unexpected changes in stride as I open up to seeing potential positive aspects and am happy that I can handle them with gratitude and grace.”

—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living


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