One of the oldest and most universal ways one can serve is known as Seva. Seva is a Sanskrit word meaning selfless service or work performed without thought of reward or repayment. Seva is actually composed of two words, “saha,” which means “with that,” and “eva”, which means “too”; taken as a whole, the word “seva” means “together with”. It is an expression of compassion for others and a genuine desire to uplift others.
The clue as to how and where to serve in this manner is taken from your heart. Unlike the ego, the heart comes without agenda. In fact that is one of the qualities of seva service, being unattached to any outcome or result. The ego feeds on recognition and judgment and will more than likely want to step in and “advise” you to give so you reap a particular reward.
Ram Dass explained Seva as: “Helping out is not some special skill. It is not the domain of rare individuals. It is not confined to a single part of our lives. We simply heed the call of that natural impulse within and follow where it leads us.” Since we are all divinely connected, giving and serving others feeds our hearts and souls.
Be mindful this week to be open and available for simple ways to give from your heart. Small things are an easy way to start. How about a smile and a wave? That’s one of the things I love about living in Alpine are the waves I get while on my daily walks. Speaking of walks, grab an empty bag when leaving for a walk and pick up trash as you go. How about letting someone go ahead of you in line at the store?
Say with me: “As I go within and listen to my heart, I am able to reflect back out in the physical world actions of selfless service for others without thought of personal return. This warms my heart and I am grateful. And I let it be so.”