One of the fundamental basics of the Science of Mind, also known as Religious Science, is that of spiritual awareness. After acknowledging there is One Power and Presence, God/Love, and It is all there is, we therefore know every person, everything, is a unique individualized expression of this One Power.
In Religious Science one who has progressed through the first three years of educational classes can take the tests and enter into the Practitioner program. This program equips the individual with skills to become a Practitioner which in other religious paths would be called a prayer partner. A Licensed Practitioner is trained to listen with the “inner ear” in order to know and speak the Truth for their client. This is called Spiritual Mind practice.
This Truth is to know that at the core substance of every person and every situation is only God. God’s hand is always working in perfection, even though surface evidence might appear otherwise. What the Divine has implanted cannot be uprooted; it can only appear to be covered up. Spiritual Mind practice is an uncovering of the Divine Nature.
Spiritual awareness is the secret place of the most High within us. To access this Divine space takes conscious intention. It takes going within to the silence and being fed from the living waters of Spirit. As one consistently unites with this Substance, the human eyes are more deeply opened to see beyond human limitations to the perfection that exists here and now.
Say with me: “I realize that everything is alive, awake and aware with Spirit. I recognize this Spirit and It responds to me. The Spirit within me reaches out and communes with the Spirit in everyone and everything I contact. It is the same Spirit in all, over all, and through all.”
— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living