Thought for the Week: Spirtual substance

Charles Fillmore was the co-founder of the Unity movement and wrote the book, Prosperity in 1936. By 1990 it was in its twenty-fifth printing and is the work we are diving into this month. In the first chapter Fillmore reminds us that God/Spirit is substance. In other words It is formless and Its nature is to “stand under” or behind matter.

Charles Fillmore was the co-founder of the Unity movement and wrote the book, Prosperity in 1936. By 1990 it was in its twenty-fifth printing and is the work we are diving into this month. In the first chapter Fillmore reminds us that God/Spirit is substance. In other words It is formless and Its nature is to “stand under” or behind matter.

According to the Greek , the language in which the New Testa­ment has come down to us, Jesus did not use the word “heaven” but the word “heavens” in His teachings. He was not telling us of the glories of some faraway place called “heaven” but was revealing the properties of the “heavens” all around us. These heavens are the inexhaustible substance that creates and supports life on earth.

“Seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Jesus said He was the substance and bread that came from the heavens. Jesus further explained the simplest, shortest and most direct way of accessing this consciousness He possessed and told us we could have as well was “Whosesoever shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he saith cometh to pass, he shall have it.”

Cleanse your mind of a per­sonal self and become conscious­ly aware of this living unlimited substance in which we live, move and have our being. As we accept our rightful inheritance that we live in the Kingdom now, trust and have faith, heav­enly ideas will come to us.

Say with me: “Jesus Christ is now here raising me to His con­sciousness of the omnipresent, all-providing God substance, and my prosperity is assured. I have unbounded faith in the all-present spiritual substance increasing and multiplying at my word. And so it is.”


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