The days of our lives pass by one after the other. It seems incredible that we are on the downhill side of November 2020! What a ride this year has been! It has not been for the faint of heart. Life has brought forth new challenges than we have ever imagined or experienced and something tells me we’re not done yet!
Sometimes I feel like a rebellious child saying, “But I don’t want to…” with respect to new rules and regulations. I keep imagining the day when we can look back on these times and realize how they have propelled us forward in many ways. Rather than being the rebellious one, taking the time to look for the underlying goodness Life is bringing us will surely raise us up to a higher consciousness.
Life is sustained by the gift and power of Love. Love gives in immeasurable ways; Its treasures to discover and behold. To receive the gifts of Love we must become supple and available. We must surrender hardheadedness and wanting it “my way”.
I challenge you this coming week to surrender to what is. God is. God, aka, Love is. Everything we could possibly need or want is already established and prepared for us when we have eyes to see and ears to hear. The story of the prodigal son is a universal one that touches every life on earth at some point or other. We have inherited the Kingdom which lies within and yet have turned our backs on It. Return to the Father, the Love within your heart and soul to be established in your rightful place in the Kingdom.
Say with me: “I am open to seeing with the eyes of Love and accepting my rightful place as heir to God’s kingdom on earth. I listen to the guidance of my still small voice and let the Love that I am flow in new and immeasurable ways. And it is so.”
— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living.