The topic this Sunday is “The Cycle of Life,” little did I know when I chose this topic, we would be grieving the loss of our only son. And so how fitting it is to look at the cycle of life – knowing it is really a circle with no beginning and no end. And yet to our finite mind, we view and experience the contrasts life on this earth plane brings.
I’m reminded of the familiar verses from Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 Vs 1-4: “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven. A time to be born, a time to die; a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance.”
When we are in the throws of these cycles, it is good to be able to take a step back in order to view the bigger picture – much like taking the view of the eagle verses the view of the ant. In The Wisdom of Jesus, Cynthia Bourgeault wrote: “Over and over, Jesus lays this path before us. There is nothing to be renounced or resisted. Everything can be embraced, but the catch is to cling to nothing. You let it go. You go through life like a knife through a done cake, picking up nothing, clinging to nothing, sticking to nothing. And grounded in this fundamental chastity of your being, you can then throw yourself out, pour yourself out, being able to give it all back, even giving back life itself. That’s the kenotic path in a nutshell. Very, very simple. It only costs everything.”
Be mindful this coming week to be willing to pour yourself out, yet cling to nothing. Let and allow the Master Teacher to guide you through this thing called life with ease and grace.
Say with me: “I live in the eternal now, letting and allowing the divine energy within me to bring and release all things. I am free. I am blessed. I am a blessing. And it is so.”
—Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living