There’s no doubt the old adage is true – nothing is permanent but change. Change is the vehicle through which we move through this life experience and isn’t it wonderful? They say, “If you don’t like the weather, don’t worry it will change”. Yes, the weather, our bodies, our minds, our friends, and our circumstances, that and more will change.
Yet, there is within us and within everything an eternal now that is changeless. It is an impersonal Principal producing and governing Life itself. Yes, the weather changes, but there is a consistency to the seasons; to the rising and setting of the sun and the ebb and flow of the tides.
Mankind is made from and as this substance that is eternal. That is why even though we add birthday candles to the cake, we still feel young in our hearts. Yes, the body has a cycle like everything else, yet our spirit is eternal. When we can consciously tap into this changeless, formless Being we will be set free to discover and create a life of immeasurable joy.
Tapping into our own unique creativity and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are continually led and guided to our highest Good allows us to make the shift, as Wayne Dyer put it: “from nowhere to now here, from Spirit to form.” Nothing is impossible, unattainable or unachievable to those who live from this eternal Presence.
Say with me: “I am the master of my own house – my own metal and spiritual domain and therefore I act with confidence and grace. There is a peaceful settling in my bones that wherever I am God is and all is well.”
— Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of Spiritual Living