There is a Power within us that is greater than anything outside us. It is the Power of the Infinite. Each and every one of us is a conduit by which this Power shows up in our world of experience. Likened to the power of electricity each individual, like a light bulb, allows the power to move through us, freely or with resistance, but we are not the producers of It. Our mind is the wire along which this Infinite Power moves into our experience. The more we are able to focus, unite, accept, feel, believe and have a warm inward conviction of our Oneness with this Infinite Power, the more we will demonstrate Its qualities of Order, Harmony, Power, Wisdom and Love in our life.
Be aware that the mind with which we think is composed of both a “surface” and “deeper” mind – i.e. conscious or objective mind and the subconscious, subjective or unconscious mind. The surface mind is the directing mind. It carries those thoughts we choose to think. The deeper mind, having access to the Infinite, takes those habitual thoughts and turns them into things. We determine the quality of our thinking by the experiences of our lives; as within so without.
Say with me: “I consciously choose to accept my oneness with the One Infinite Power of Wisdom and Love at a deeper more profound level than ever before realized. I am aware of my thoughts and choose wisely, letting go of the lesser to embrace and experience the greater. I am living the life of God and it is grand. I am in deep gratitude. And so it is.”