“It is done unto you as you believe.” What do you believe? Do you believe there is a power for good that creates all, is in and through all of Its creation and is your life now? That’s what the master teacher, Jesus the Christ and Science of Mind teaches and that’s what I teach and believe. Many call this power God, Love, Beauty, Source, Divine Being, etc. It is all there is – everywhere present in full force at all times. When we join our awareness to truly be at one with this beautiful power of love and joy we will navigate through life’s roughest waters with ease and grace. “What I feared the most has come upon me”. The exhortation, “Fear not”, appears in the Bible over 150 times. Why do you think that is so? It is because fear of change, fear of the future, fear of lack and limitation seem to be woven and engrained in the human psyche. And yes, if we are to rely solely on our “humanness’ then we do feel inadequate to meet the changes and challenges of life.
Fear holds us back in life from living full force. We came here not to play small but to allow this infinite Life Force Energy to live through us. “It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” We are participating in the banquet of Life, let’s take heaping servings, enough to share pressed down and flowing over.
Say with me: “This day I resolve to cast out all doubt and fear in my mind and life. I am here to live the abundant Life that God is continually giving me. I keep focused on the good I desire and it comes to and through me with ease and grace. I am a willing servant of the Divine and for this I am eternally grateful. And so it is.”