Thought for the Week: The life within you by Rev. Gay Beauregard, Alpine Church of the Spiritual Living

Life is a pulsating, vibratory force of energy. Denser mat­ter moves at a slower rate than light and thought waves. Each and every one of us is part of this eternal movement of life force energy. Made in the im­age and likeness of God we have been given the authority and dominion to produce the circumstances and events in our life through the choice of our thought patterns. Repeat­ed thought patterns go forth from us to pull toward us their matching vibratory energy.

Do you know what you are broadcasting? Are you aware of the repeated thoughts you are thinking? Do you know how very powerful you are? I believe we are here to express the infinite life force energy that is in and through all with expectant vibrations of Love, Joy, Wholeness, Peace and Abundance.

Say with me: “I have a deep sense of oneness with all of Life. I think thoughts of only things that I want to bring into my experience. I choose to know this day that the expe­riences that lie before me will be the best I have ever known. That’s the truth. And it is so.”


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